
首款香港中文版遊戲《Wii Sports Resort》下月推出

主張體感打機的Wii,早已成為普羅大眾的消閒娛樂,可惜遊戲介面來來去去只有英語或日語可選,總是略欠親切感。日前任天堂終於為機迷帶來好消息,不但宣布下月推出首款香港中文版遊戲《Wii Sports Resort》,主機連遊戲套裝更會以新低價發售,為落實本地化踏出了重要一步。

將於12月12日(六)開賣的《Wii Sports Resort》中文版,正是全球大熱作品《Wii Sports》之續篇,今次遊戲舞台移師到南方度假勝地,因此加入了不少海陸空運動。其實此作日本版在6月已率先推出,由於上集只得五種運動項目可玩,耐玩程度有限,為了充實內容,《Wii Sports Resort》的競賽

種類大幅增加,收錄項目計有劍擊、花式滑水、飛碟、射箭、籃球、乒乓球、高爾夫球、保齡球、水上電單車、獨木舟、單車以及翱翔天空,合共十二項。此外,今集首次支援新近推出的Wii Remote附加周邊——Wii動感強化器(Wii MotionPlus),透過其1 : 1精確動態感測功能,玩家的動作將會如實反映於遊戲當中,好讓你跟好友們享受更多不同形式的體感玩樂。

除了《Wii Sports Resort》之外,一些早期名作如大玩各式小遊戲的《Wii第一次接觸》,亦會以中文化姿態推出。同時,任天堂又會加推全新《Wii Sports Resort》連主機套裝,套裝內容包括Wii主機、遊戲光碟、Wii Remote、雙節棍控制器及Wii動感強化器等等,售價為$1,799,計落比起年初行貨剛上市時抵玩得多,換言之,即變相減價,擺到明向另外兩大主機還擊。而另一款以健身為題材、深受女性玩家歡迎的話題作《Wii Fit Plus》,中文版則暫定於農曆新年假期前推出,令人期待。


Wii Sports Resort 宣傳介紹影片

任天堂 Wii MotionPlus

任天堂官方網站近日開闢了 Wii MotionPlus(動態強化感測器)  的介紹網頁,內容透過 社長岩田聰 與 研發人員 的訪談,來解說 Wii MotionPlus 關鍵技術與研發秘辛,並釋放出一系列宣傳影片,意圖宣傳 Wii MotionPlus 強大的功能。但是,依我來看,單看這些宣傳影片根本感覺不到 Wii MotionPlus 所帶來的震撼,只有覺得每秒能夠拍攝5000張的「高速攝影機」,還真的是酷斃了,拍攝出來的影像別有一番風味,有種獨特脫俗的質感啊!

《Wii Sports Resort(Wii運動 度假勝地)》已知運動項目有乒乓球、高爾夫球、飛盤、水上摩托車,以及 擊劍。預計將於 2009年6月23日 與 Wii MotionPlus 一同上市,目前確定支援 Wii MotionPlus 的遊戲,除了有《Wii Sports Resort》之外,第三方的將會有《赤色鋼鐵 2》、《The Conduit》、《老虎伍茲高爾夫球巡迴賽10》、《世嘉超級明星網球》等遊戲。

任天堂說MotionPlus6月8日上市,售價是20美元,MotionPlus的任天堂Wii Sports Resort也將7月26日上市,售價為50美元。



Backup Loaders & (Softchip VS Modchip

From: wiihacks.com ( admiral victorinox)

TITLED: Gamma/Loaders (softchip) VS Modchip

this is a simple guide to tell you the differences between the 2 so youre informed, and can make the right choice be it what ever you want.. im gonna try to be as fair to both methods as i can, many people know i do have my leans like everyone else, but i will try my best, and most people will agree

please note softmodding =/= iso loader ill explain later

Softchip/ISO loader/Gamma

doesnt require any real skill
easy to get support here
barly voids the warranty
no opening the wii
you get homebrew channel, though this method by default *since its needed to get the loader working =P*

slower than a modchip
some games dont work
more patchs required to work
can break your wii in a error
requires lots of attention/very high maintenance
newer games with issues take longer to fix
you need to patch, or hook to get out of region
games can randomly freeze
cant boot from the disc channel
can be removed in a later firmware
cant play region free gamecube
cant play gamecube backups
you will have to either add the required IOS for new games or pay to get it added
the softmod is defeated every time you update your wii

a small guide to working, and not working games are [Only Registered Users Can See Links. Click Here To Register]


once its installed it works
works faster than the loader, and 1:1 with originals in all cases
out of region
can block updates on any firmware *some chips*
can boot from the disc channel
region free gamecube
can play gamecube backups
partial region free
fixes are usually easier
works on any firmware
can fix bricks easier like "banner"
can install Homebrew via ISO *3.2 or lower*

costs money
can break your system if you mess up
MUST get the right chip for your drive
if the team stops making updates you might become SOL
not 100% region free
can cause odd issues
a bad chip might break your system, or require you to return/get a new one
might be a clone -,_-, *buy from a trust worthy site!*
newer chips could leave you in the dust *IE ISO streaming, and fancy features xD*

Neutral *IE same with both methods*
can use homebrew
plays backups
can play online
3.2 = the best

Softmodded =/= loader or anything like that
Homebrew channel was made to make the wii better for everyone, not pirating games! it is recommended for modchip, and 100% needed for gamma/loader... this is in no way a PERK for the loader, modchip is easier the channel...

if you need to know the perks of having this channel... if you have a modchip.
can get 100% region free
can block updates *3.2 only* unless you boot in a loader
can cheat on games
can change wii region
can install new channels
can install VC/Wiiware games
can load DVD's/media
can patch updates
can downgrade
can prevent bricks *3.2 only*
can extract saves you couldn't before
can use emulators
can fix some problematic games, and Black/white and flickering problems

in the end, the chip is the way to go if you just want to play games, plug it in and BAM done!
it works with all games
it is region free
it has solderless solution for people without skills to solder, and kids

because softmodding sumed up is... free but risky, and only for people whom want to keep reading and learning!
It is very easy to brick your Wii with the continual softmod updates
requires lots of attention/very high maintenance

i hope this makes it a little easier, yes there is more Con's, then Pro's but in the end that's because, theirs only so much difference between the 2, and the Con's are all most people care about =\

if you got something you feel i didnt cover or mention, pm or post and ill add it